Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Month.... New Possibilites. August 30th - September 4th

Sadly this is not one of my usual posts. Alas, times are rough, and since this is a blog about what's happening in my life, it follows my good weeks and as well as my bad. Work's still going fanstastically well. One of the girls I work with today said, "Jen, I feel like you hold this place together." So, I guess I'm just a bossy pants that's controling things while the boss' get more important matters done. As fall rolls in we're getting more and more of our fall stock. We're having an awesome sale right now to get rid of all our sandals that we still have milling about. So things have been pretty busy around our shop. It gets kind of stressful for me sometimes, I take a lot of it to heart. If things go badly at the store, my day goes badly. A lot of times I need to step back and remember that it is just a job, and I just work there, and it's not my life, and I can leave it at the end of day. The problem is, I love my job, and I love the people I work with and for. It's more like a family to me than work, so I take most of it personally. Things have been stressful lately there, so I carry most of that stress with me throughout my day.

Last week on my day home from work, 11pm, my car decided it didn't want to work for me any longer. Beef Cake breathed his last breath as I coasted into my drive way. It seems to pour when it rains. Fortunately my aunt and uncle let me borrow their car for the week. I had it towed to a mechanic my boss recommended and we're waiting to see the results. They seem compitant, and unlike most car places they didn't seem to jump at the fact that I'm just lil ol me trying to get my car fixed. They're just tryin to do a good job and send me on my way. But, seeing as I don't have my car back yet, nor the cost, I don't want to start counting my chickens too soon!!!

I've been pretty sick recently. I've been stressing about a lot of things, living out here by my lonely for a month now house sitting and getting ready to move back to my apartment, I'm taking more responsibility at work, trying to figure out how to take up another 2nd job, and figure out school in the winter. My stomach now hates me. I have what I believe to be acid reflux. My stomach and chest hurts almost constantly. Thursday I have a doctors appointment, so we'll see if I'm dying or if I'll live to see another season change at Market Street Shoes. I have zero energy now adays. Wake up, work, come home, sleep. I go to bed around 9, hit snooze a few times, which as we all know isn't me, and get up usually around 8. I'm still always tired. SO, to make a very sad and depressing blog to a summary and a close... I'm going to start working on my nutrition. My boss thinks I am malnourished. I've stopped drinking diet coke, which I was loving there for awhile, I'm investing in multi-vitamins, I'm eating more iron, etc etc. Things always get worse before they can get better, I firmly believe we all need the trying times in life to make our average day seem so much better. I'm down for a few stress' and trials now and again. So bring it on.

Some good things about this week?? I got a few letters from friends whom I enjoy hearing from, I've gotten to hang out with my family which doesn't happend all that often for me, I've got two animals who are a blast to be around, the weather has still stayed nice, I got some cute sweaters from our new H & M, I've got some killer friends, and soon I'll be moved back home and working on getting back to the nitty gritty and bettering my life.

Pray for me this week, I'm a gonna need it. I miss you all terribly.



Meagan said...

oh jen! hang in there! call me and we will work on nutrition together. haha. I might not be much help... but... I try. Love you tons!

Susan said...

Now, I say, you are being tested because the Good Lord is busting down walls, remodeling, stretching and making way for the new and improved Jen Taylor model. Stronger, tougher and able to handle anything we can throw at her. Course taking vitamins can't hurt. Love ya.

Michelle said...

Hooray for the Good Lord! What a time for your sister to be on vacation. Love you. And yes, you are a bossy pants. And Rachel does NOT look like she is wearing a toupee.