Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hey a November 8th to the November 13!!!!!!!!!! (Almost friday the 13th, but it's thursday, so it's all good!!!)

Aight. Let's do this. I am doing laundry. This is a good place to start... ooh and I did my dishes! Talk about accomplishment, apparently it's been too long to tell people exactly how long it's been... it gross' them out. Soooo, let's just say it's been way way way too long. But not no more! They're done! Although I did them because my friends were coming over for a bonnified good ol fashioned slumber party. Some of the girls from my work came over and we pulled my matress into the living room, watched a chick flick, and stayed up talking until 3. It was really fun. And not only that but we downed pizza, popcorn, ice cream, and the like. Gained a good 15 pounds. Lemme tell you!! And it was a bright and sunshiney morning when we all had to get up at 7 for work, doctors appointments, and manicures. Can you guess which one was me?? You were gonna guess doctor, huh? Cuz that's all I do with my time now... but you WERE WRONG! I got the manicure and pedicure!! My Grandma took me out for a manicure since I have nails now! It's awesome! They're all filled nice and painted matching my toes too!! I love it! I think I may hit her up for it again at some point. Plus then she took me out for lunch and bought me groceries! Yay for family!!!!!! Anywhoooo... good day off yesterday... today was ok, although I ran out of things to do around 11. We're now on the 4th ish hour of scrubs marathon... wow. So, I went to the doctor earlier this week about my lovely gallstones, Delilah, Jackson, and Winnefred, apparently I live with them in me until I explode or something. I guess a lot of people have gallstones and they just live with them and not even know it. The doctor doesn't think that it's causing me any problems, so away I go through life with my lovely stones. :) FUN! Nah, I guess it's not that big of a deal. Of things that could go wrong with me, this isn't so bad! At least I keep telling myself that, no one likes being sick. I applied to college this morning, Seattle Central Community College, woo! I guess that's a good thing! Fortunately I'm in for sure, so no pressure there! Filled out the good ol form, took 10 minutes, can't believe I didn't do it before! I'm off to Utah this Wednesday, and I think that's what's keeping me in such awesome spirits. Adios!


Michelle said...

Flip, I forgot Utah was this week. You'll have so much fun. Longer blog next time, please!

Meagan said...

Yeah, longer posts!!! Mitch is so excited to see you, we've been looking at various pictures this morning. I like the names of your gallstones. Now I wish I had some. haha

Michelle said...

Will you never post again???