Sunday, April 11, 2010

No 2-oh-10 posts?!?! This cannot stand.

Alright, alright. I guess it is time to either update the ol' blog, or just delete it, as it sits, unread, unupdated, unloved... so, UPDATE it shall be. But with what?! WITH WHAT?!?!??!

Here's a list of what is to come:

Thanksgiving in Orrregon
Christmas in DC
Some random photos I had developed
My Birthday in Seattle
And boring college life randomness (get excited for that little gem!)

You can expect to see these start appearing as quickly as today! Or as slowly as never. We'll see how things pan out. But, at least, I have posted this, which does count as a blog update, which should keep all my blog followers happy and at bay for at least a few hours!!

Thanks for staying loyal all you fans out there. You won't regret your daily checking in, to see if I have posted more more MORE for you to read. Your diligence will pay off...

1 comment:

Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

I'm so glad you chose update over delete! And yes, I am very happy you posted something and will try my best to keep myself at bay. =)