Friday, June 27, 2008

June 20th - June 27th , 2008 yo.

Seeing as I do not work today until 4, I have little money to spend, and all my friends and roommates are at work, I figured I would take my ol' lap top out to our back yard, enjoy the sunshine, and write another blog for you interested in my doings.

One week has gone by since my last post, so not too much has happened. I'm living back in my apartment this week, the house I usually am at is currently occupied by its owners. Come Sunday evening though I'll head back over for another two weeks or so. It's nice to be a part of the community here at home. One of my house mates was sitting next to me on the couch while we were playing video games for what seemed to be the eighth hour in a row, only really like four so it's not like we are addicted or anything, anyways, he turns to me and goes... so do you even live here or what?? Because I'm pretty sure you hauled ALL your things into that apartment and then just never came back. I get to hang out with 2/3 house mates a lot simply because we work together, but Brenton doesn't work with us, so it's cool to beat him at video games and just hang out. We've also decided to have a "family" dinner one night a week where all 4 of us are home and we'll all cook and eat and discuss our lives and make sure everyone is happy and healthy. It's nice having a lot of close friends near by, you never know when you're going to need one!!!

I gave my notice at Cookies, my second job, yesterday. My last day will be July 17th. I intend to take one or two classes this fall and working six days a week and going to school didn't seem like a very viable option for me. So I am going to find a different second job either really early in the morning or late at night and work two sixteen hour days a week, work one job and then go to the next. Then I'll have two days off once again. I'll try to work school so it will be Tuesday and Thursday and have those be my two days off, then I can better my education and self while still being able to afford life... which is a good things to be able to afford. It'll be sad to not have to organize those wonderful cookie cutters for eight hours every Thursday, but I think I'll pull through. :)

Summer is actually here, which is nice. We never really had a spring here, just rain rain rain and then HELLO 80 degree weather. I enjoy the sun, and it's crazy how everyone here just floods outside to soak in all the sun shine before it disappears once again behind clouds for a month or two. Work gets really hot though when it's 75 or higher outside. We're all sweating running up and down the stairs getting shoes for people, I like to camp in front of the fan, at least until people get mad that I'm crowding it and they can't feel the breeze. Oh well, it's fun. We're all dripping and gross and running around like crazy selling shoes. I love my job!

I'm trying to think of a fun story to pass along to you all, but I can not think of one. The guys all like playing X-box 360 with me around, if they get to a Boss and cannot beat it they just pass the control over to me and 80% of the time I beat it on the first try. They've started bragging about me to other friends who filter through our apartment. It's nice being a girl and still well learned in the ways of the video game. I'm still undefeated champion of Guitar Hero. We played a tournament for almost 5 hours the other day and I was invincible. What can I say, having no life and a love for video games comes in handy when you have two game crazy guys living next door.

That's about all my excitement for now. I'm going to my camera shop to inquire about an old looking camera they recently placed in the window before work, maybe I will come home with a new addition to my camera collection. I'll keep you all posted, I'm sure you're at the edge of your seats on that one!! I also put in a few of my pictures throughout the blog just so you can see what I'm calling my art these days. I
miss you all terribly.

Love, Jen


Michelle said...

I have a couple of comments:
1) My favorite pics were of the cat and guitar
2) I'm really proud of you for beating the guys at video games. Why couldn't you share some of those skills with me?
3) I'm also proud of you for making a decision about Cookies.
4) I miss you.

Susan said...

Jenn, I have a question. Why would you think your life is boring? It is not. You have a fascinating life. Always something going on and such a wonderful way of seeing life too. You don't realize how much people love you. But you never have. That is the charm of you. Love your blog. Love you too.