Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 20th - Septemba 26th... the month's almost over yo!

What to say about this week. What to say... hmm hmm hmm. Lemme get in the zone. IN THE BLOGGING ZONE! There's a spider on the wall, it's distracting, but he seems pretty far away from me so I don't think I'll kill the little guy. It's your lucky day little guy, because I am a lean mean spider killing machine. Ok, nope... creepy, now there are three spiders crawling across the wall. I hate spiders!! Death death death! OK! Whew. Lemme see.

Work: Work's well. Work's work. Highs and Lows this week at work, let's do that, shall we? Ok, hmm... a high. We got a lot of new shoes this week, and a lot of boots. Which means we have to fit them into our already crowded stock room. This week I finally snapped, our stock room was out of control. Shoes on the ground, shoes with no homes, ridiculous! So, I called my boss, told her I was staying late, told all the people working on the floor not to bother me, and I rearranged. Now all the sandals are in the back and out of the way until they're all boxed up for next year, and all the boots are together at the bottom of the stairs, quite easily accessible since they're what we sell the most in the fall. All other shoes are with brands accordingly. I felt quite accomplished. Things seem to be a little smoother in the land of Market Street Shoes. It was hard, and a pain in the fanny to boot! But it was totally worth it. The low for this week, hmm hmm, well we all seem to be bickering more and more at work. I think we spend a little too much time together. It's not bad, just a lot of gossiping, and a lot of complaining. The low for this week was having to hear everyone complain about the smallest things that really didn't matter, and then realizing that I myself have been known to complain about just that as well. So, I found something for me to work on... Complain when only REALLY REALLY necessary.

Church: This week's a good week for our Church category. Is Church always capitalized? I think it should be, so we're going with that. I sat next to a group of girls on Sunday, and they invited me over to one of their houses to watch Project Runway on Wednesday. So Wednesday rolled around and over I went. There were about 15 girls there. There are a few I think I could really be friends with! Finally LDS friends!! Sanity sanity!! I'm planning on going again this week. I love me some Project Runway. And I love me some LDS friends. It's a win win folks! And randomly one of the kids whom JT and I went to EFY with was in my ward on Sunday. It was really weird. I didn't recognize him at first, but then it dawned on me. Crazy!! He bolted with his girl friends right after Sacrament, so I didn't get a chance to say hey. And let's be honest here, I'm kinda too shy to just go say hey anyways. :) What're ya gonna do.

Yoga: I'm loving my yoga class. It's pretty intense. I sweat though two t-shirts on Thursdays class, which I've never done. I've never really sweat through one t-shirt, let alone two! This next Thursday is our last class, but I think we all decided we're signing up again for next month. It's really good, and I feel a lot better about myself too... plus call me crazy, it's been known to happen, but I actually think I stand up a little straighter. Woot woot! Yay for yoga! Yay for power yoga in 88 degrees with Nazi instructors from NY. These are the things that make me happy. :P

Ok, well, I'm listening to the Scriptures while I write this, so I'm thinking I'm not paying all that much attention to the Scriptures, which kind of defeats the purpose of listening... so I'll bow out here. Text me, email me, facebook me, call me. I miss all of you. A lot. And if you think you're not included in that, you're wrong! I love hearing from EVERYONE. So TEXT, CALL, EMAIL, serious people. I would love it. TTFN pardners.


Susan said...

I just can't tell you how proud I am of the person you are and the one your becoming.

Michelle said...

Good job reorganizing the stock room. You could try the gum trick on Wednesday nights as well, if conversation starts to lag. Really it's an all purpose trick.

Meagan said...

You. You are my hero. I think I need some new boots, maybe.....I'll convince Mike. I'll be calling...