Friday, September 19, 2008

September twelve up toooo my half birthday! (that'd be the 19th)!

Happy half b-day to me, happy half b-day to me!, happy half b-day Jen Taylaaaaaaaaaaa, HAPPY HALF B-DAY TO ME! I celebrated my day with a cupcake, mmm, red velvet. Dark dark chocolate with cream cheese frosting. Loved it. And the guys at the cupcake boutique all laughed when I said it was for my half b-day. They even gave it to me for free. I love my little work neighborhood, Ballard is awesome. Aside from work, nothing's new. I haven't even been out to take pictures in the past few months, let alone get any developed. I'm sure I'll get back into it soon enough. Always think positively, that's not my motto, but probably should be.

This week's accomplishments:
-Killed a huge spider, almost cried but kept my cool
-Cleaned my room and did ALL my laundry for the first time in pretty much forever
-Slept, a lot
-Sweat off like 10 lbs at my power yoga class
-Quit biting my nails. For reals this time. I was cured, long story, but for sure I'm now cured. (been 10 days clean)

well I guess you all can get the picture... not a lot's going on! What're ya gonna do. Ya know? It's like I do the same thing day in and out... and this just doesn't make for exciting blogging. So, don't blame me for your boredom and loss of interest in tuning in each week... blame my shoe selling job! I mean, I can only talk so much about selling boots to women in size 12 who never thought they could buy beautiful shoes, or screaming and jumping and flayling about in joy when the heels I've been waiting for for almost 3 months finally came to work, or maybe getting to shove grubby 4 year old stinky feet into shoes (don't get me wrong, love the 4 year olds, just not the stinky feet). It's just your average good ol' fashion retail job. And then I come home and sleep! My roommates are driving me up the wall, it's a constant battle as to whether it's more normal to go to bed at 11 o'clock and expect quite after around 12 or to stay up til 4 and not believe that neighbors can hear when you play the guitar. No guitar past midnight people. Comprimise. So I scold and they scoff, and now we're just getting on each others nerves! Insanity! I'm living with insanity! But, it's what you do when you're 21. You do what you can, and you smile, and you know it'll make you so much more greatful for future living situations. I'm just sad because we all were good friends for awhile, and now it seems that due to my nagging, I'm not to close to all of them anymore. Ah well, what are you going to do!?!?

Things I found myself greatful for this week:
-my car
-my mother's quiet apartment, ok and her too :)
-my shoe collection
-customers who seem to help me out with my life more than I with their shoes
-cell phones
-kind aquantances
-post office
-sisters getting home from brazil
-yoga instructors from NY

Have a good week everyone. TTFN! Peace.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I believe this blog has my favorite Jen line in it, "Always think positively, that's not my motto, but it probably should be." You're funny.