Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blah blah, read my blog, blah freakin blah.

Scroll through my playlist and listen to Son of a Gun while you read this one. I love the Vaselines -- but a warning, a lot of their songs are pretty inappropriate. -------->

I spent this week housesitting at Dave and Grace's. I didn't really post about it because who knows who is reading this, and I don't really feel like getting killed in my sleep - or some such. But on a happier note, it was a great week. And on an even happier note, I didn't die. As we all know, animals are my most favorite thing in the world. Animals and nature. So spending the week with my fave dog and two best cats really helped swing back up to a more positive state of mind. Then on top of that I think that I've grown up more in the past month than I have in the past two years combined. I spent a few weeks with my family, finding myself, and making some big life decisions. This week I spent alone, just remember what it's like to be myself, to sit and think, and to have fun even though it's just me! It's important to be able to be alone and still love life, and it's something I really struggle with -- so this week was definitely beneficial and much needed. BUT I wasn't alone the entire week, psh. Do you guys even know me at all?! Like I could actually spend the week entertaining myself. Like I could actually sleep in a ginormous house just me and the old pets. So I've had a few friends come and spend the night with me. It's fun having slumber parties with my ladies. Not only did I get to spend time with me, but I spent time with the animals in my life, and time with some of my best friends. Yup, one of the best weeks. Oh! And I got a lot of homework done. Go, me, go.

puhhhh. puhhhhh. puhhhh. That's me blowing air out of my mouth, obnoxiously so. Oh! You guys should have heard the belch that came out of me earlier today, I mean seriously. I think I could probably enter a contest, but it would have to be me being recorded all the time - it's always an accident when I belch the loudest.

Anyways. Life's good. I'm growing up at an alarming rate. Getting sick of sitting and learning about teaching - just lemme teach!!!! And I'm bored with all my music. Gotta look up some new stuff -- which reminds me I have a few bands written down that some kids from high school told me about. Gonna go look that up.

Have a good weekend! I know I will! Last day of work tomorrow. Woop woop.


Julie Daines said...

Jen, let's just say that you're an all-around pretty awesome gal!!! You're welcome at my fire anytime!

No need to grow up too fast, though. There's still plenty of time to be old. Smell the roses while you may, as they say.

Love ya!

Michelle said...

No belching!