Friday, September 9, 2011

Changing. Growing. Moving on.

(I wrote this on the 16th of September, then saved it and never came back to post...until now.)

As I write this, I am trying to think of what song to add to my playlist (see the right side of your screen). I need the perfect song to urge you to think of whilst you read this epic post. :)

This week, I encountered a lot of change. Some of it wasn't necessarily by choice..... but change none the less!!

Ok. Here are the main points. The summary. The all in all. The bottom line. Etc.

I have decided to quit my job. I know! Panic! I have been working there for almost two years now, and it was a really tough choice to make. But, I have the opportunity (as I call it), but more realistically - the option to not work this semester. And that just blows my mind. I cannot fathom what it will be like to not have to go to work! It's going to be weird. But, school was already too much to handle, and I am only two weeks in. And, I was discussing my career with one of my teachers, she told me I probably won't get a job with just the credentials I have now. Which means I have to step it up. Which means -- VOLUNTEERING TIME!!

SO! I am quitting my job. Come September 24th. Then, I am spending all my spare time volunteering at schools. Starting with Lone Peak. For the time being I will be working with a teacher I know and love. She was educator of the year two years ago, and it's fantastic to be able to see her in action. Plus, I love her students! She teaches "resource", so they're kids with minor disabilities (ADHD, autism, reading disabilities, social anxiety, etc.). He classes are between 10-15 kids, and I usually end up spending the class helping one or two of the students. It's so much work, but so much fun, and those kids freaking love me (well, at least they did last year, let's hope this year is the same). Whilst I am spending my days doing that. I will also be in and out of another amazing teacher's English classes - just observing his methods, and learning how to become my own teacher. THEN! On top of that, I will be hopefully lining up some after school time. I am hoping to get involved in various clubs, and really become a part of the Lone Peak environment. This way, when it comes time to go out and get a job, I already have references, I already have experience, and it shows my boss that I'm willing to stay after school and help with extracurriculars. According to my teachers at UVU, and the teachers at LP that I have spoken with -- this is a great plan. Obviously, on top of all of that, I will still be attending class.

So, I know what you're thinking - I'm gonna be even more stressed. Sure, it will be time consuming. But I think it's going to really help me in the long run. And I also think that I am going to have a BLAST doing it - which will then motivate me to work harder at school so I can simply teach every day! Yay for my idealist outlook of my future!!!!

Can I just be honest with you guys? I ate so much tonight at Cafe Rio, I may never fit into any of my clothes again. Seriously, it was three hours ago and I'm still SO full I can barely move. Ugh, never doubt that I am patriotic. Nothing says, "I love America" more than over eating.

Welp. Friday night! Got lots a 30 rock to watch while I lie in bed. It's gonna be rough, but someone has to do it. Right? Maybe not.

Also, if I haven't written you a letter in forever, and I used to write you letters all the time, then expect to start getting those again. I seriously need to step it up. Also also, if you never got letters - don't expect them to start now. Sheesh. Get over yourself.

See ya laters!


Shabang said...

That's awesome that you get to work with kids with disabilities. :D

Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

That's awesome. You are going to be such a good teacher.

Julie Daines said...

Sounds like a great plan! Lunch was so fun the other day, don't forget to call again when you have time so we can do it again!!!

And Brooke is right, you are to be a great teacher!

Michelle said...

Cafe Rio and 30 Rock in one post! Pretty much covered it all.