Thursday, July 31, 2008

Let's wrap up July,T shall we???

This week... this week... this week.

WELL.. firstly I've decided to embark on the knowledge of music. Which I'm excited about. I want to know the ins and outs of all the bands that have been since back to almost the 1950s. Names of members, influences, etc etc. I want to be a music nerd!! So, wish me luck with that. I'm not entirely sure where to start, but since I grew up having to figure out the different meter times in Tool songs, and having to call out the names of bands to songs playing on the radio (thanks Dad!!) I think I have a good start. That's my random bit of excitement of the day.

I was the boss this week at work. It was an interesting experience. No one really enjoyed taking direction from me, especially when I kept having to yell at a few employees for talking to each other more than taking an interest in customers. I had to take down all our sidewalk sale tables from Seafood Fest. That was intense. We got 21 boxes of shipment I had to put away on shelves. And I had to find another person to work when Charlie, one of my house mates, decided not to show up for work one morning. It was kinda stressful. He showed up, just an hour late. Ah well... it was a good experience, and a fun three days. It was a good insight into what my boss' have to deal with on a daily basis. Maybe someday I'll become permanent manager, but that is still a little ways off. :)

Paco, my doggie for now, and I have been taking long walks every day. Some days it's a jog, others just a brisk walk. 2-5 miles mostly. It's hard!! But it's good to get back into the habit. Being in shape always makes me happier and healthier. As we roll into fall and cold season I figure I should be as healthy as I can be! He wakes me up every morning and I put on my running shoes and reluctantly head down the driveway. He gets so excited for the exact same walk every day, it's unbelievable. But since I always tend to forget and leave food out that he gets to when I get home I figure I need to get him back into shape before his owners get home and see how fat he's gotten. I try.

I did get my film back, but didn't have a chance to go use the scanner. I'll try to get it done some time this week. We'll see. There are a few good pictures, although I was not to happy with most of them. I'm working on setting up my shots more than just point and click. I'm supposed to think more, says Joe my favorite camera store helper. So, we'll work on that. Remember say "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit" tonight right before you fall asleep and then "hare, hare, hare" the first thing when you wake up and it will bring you good luck for the entire month. Just don't say anything in between the two. Guaranteed method of having a rockin month. Any night that's the last of the month it'll work. So since tomorrow is August, which I cannot believe, it's the night to do it!!!!! Don't forget.

Next week will be a rockin blog. Promise!! Ta.


Michelle said...

I remember guessing the names of bands too. It was usually the Who. That was who I always guessed if I had no idea. I didn't read your post in time for the rabbit stuff, is my month ruined?

Jessica said...

Hey Jenn! It's Jessica Womble. I completly forgot you had a blog. So I decieded I would read it. Sounds like things are staying interesteing in Oregon. I love all the pictures you have taken, they look great.
If you get a chance check out my blog for pictures of my beautiful daughter.