Friday, October 23, 2009

Back up to Hebgen!

Back in the beginning of October we decided to head back up to West Yellowstone for a few days. We had gotten a canoe back in September and hadn't had the chance to take it up to West yet. So, being the super strong folks that we are... we loaded it ontop of the car. I took a picture outside of the grocery store in West. You can see Sam with his head poking out the window.
It's always amazing to be back up at Hebgen Lake. Only after mid September, it's also freeeeeezing. It snowed a few times while we were up there. Fortunately our goal was to go up and just be lazy... don't worry we accomplished it. We had at least one fire a day, if not all day. There was a lot of s'mores eating and hot cocoa drinking.
There was also a lot of snuggling with Sam, we're good at that too. We all claimed a couch, and snuggled in with our blankets, reading, sleeping, and "working on homework".
Dave and Grace woke us up early one morning for our canoe ride. Fortunately they're good people and I got to take my second canoe ride of the season, just sitting and taking pictures. It was SO beautiful. The only thing was, it was the first day of duck hunting season. I thought for sure we were all gonna die. It sounds like a world war out there!!

Finally the time came to head back home. It was sad, because I knew this it would be the last time I was up there this year. Fortunately I had Rachel to keep me cheered up, and to lend me one of her awesome hats to keep my head warm. I love Rachel.